The Ways OF Water!
In the Ways Of Water
The Falloons take these esoteric subjects…..
Once Again, Professor Winkleburger is hoping his guest expert will finally
show up and, once again, to the absolute delight of the children in our audience,
the expert has sent his neighbor, Mr. Meatloaf, in his stead.
Who would have thought Meatloaf's Fractured Fairytale version
of Homer’s The Odyssey would start us off on a journey
examining the scientific miracle that is Water?!

The Water Cycle
The Atomic Structure of Water
What Makes Water Evaporate
What Are Clouds
How Water Is the PERFECT Conveyer
of Nutrients Into Our Bodies, Our Fields,
Our Plants and...ALL OF OUR EARTH!
…….and make them not only accessible but EXHILARATING for our K-8 audience!
***A Fractured Fairytale of Homer's The Odyssey twisted into a story of the Water Cycle:
The Adventure Of The Golden Raindrop
***Life Size Puppetry
***The Magical Linking Rings of Oxygen and Hydrogen
***Atomic Juggling
***Pirates, Sing Alongs, Bubble Sculptures, Classic Comedy and...
***More Live Music Then Ever Before!
Grades K through 7
When The Falloons go ELECTRIC we start to see how that same science that makes water the perfect conveyer of life, makes it the perfect conveyer of Litter, Lawn Waste and ALL our daily dreck down our streets, into our Storm Drains and out into our Streams, Ponds, Rivers Lakes and Oceans