Don't Know Why I Litter!
(two minutes)
Our music video with litter and recycling content. Meatloaf and the Professor go ELECTRIC!
A two minute taste for you:

As we move forward into an educational landscape that has been revolutionized in the past two years, no one knows what it will look like for the rest of the school year and beyond.
Here are the virtual offerings we have created to accommodate any and all possibilities!
This is the programming on your virtual platform that you may use in any and all combinations that you like!

Hey! We're Garbage!
The Grand Falloon Cartoon
(two minutes)
Professor Winkleburger and Meatloaf are transformed into plastic bottle and hamburger container litter! When they are washed down into a storm drain
we learn the fate of garbage
thrown on the ground everyday.

The Grand Falloon TV Show!
A Day At The Races!
(ten minutes)
A ten-minute adventure. Meatloaf fancies himself as a Race Car Driver but doesn't know what to do with all the garbage in his car!
The Grand Falloon FREE Virtual Performances

Hey! Ho! Let's Recycle!
(ten minutes)
While The Professor wishes to teach us about the miracle qualities of water Mr. Meatloaf wants the Commonsensonator to turn them into Pirates. Somehow the two wishes come together and end with an infectious rendition of Hey! Ho! Let's Recycle!
With live music
and juggling

Shot on location on the Leigh Valley Barge in the Great Hudson Bay